What great new leaders do first!

Getting people to work together isn’t easy, and unfortunately many leaders skip over the basics of team building in a rush to start achieving goals. But your actions in the first few weeks and months can have a major impact […]

Leadership, Mirrors and Windows

The Program Sponsor, Chief of People and Culture of a program I ran, reminded me the other day my comments during the final PCG meeting. During the Sponsors closing remarks he congratulating me on my leadership of the team through […]

7 Habits of Highly Effective Teams

Have you heard this addage from a sports coach?: “A champion team will defeat a team of champions.” However, as much as we all admire the ideals of teamwork and connectedness there’s also the alternative notion of the “rugged individual” […]

Strategic human resource management

Strategic human resource management is the process of linking the human resource function with the strategic objectives of the organization in order to improve performance. If a global company is to function successfully, strategies at different levels need to inter-relate. […]

A Great business takes…..

I have spent the summer diving into, for the third time, a favourite author, Jim Collins. From the author of Built to Last, Good to Great outlines a model for turning a good, average or even mediocre company in to […]

People-Focused Knowledge Management

How Effective Decision Making Leads to Corporate Success Today’s global economy demands excellence. As enterprises scramble to remain on top by being competitive, they also need to innovate faster than their competitors. One example is the globally competitive company called […]

It starts with Why – Identity

As I consult to Executives, CEO’s and Senior Managers, without fail we will ultimately start talking about a problem that at some point the question of “Why…?”, “Why are you doing that thing that costs so much time?”, “Why, are […]

7 Moments… That Define Excellent Leaders

The building blocks of excellence are moments – specifically, defining moments. In the 7 Moments… That Define Excellent Leaders book, bestselling author Lee J. Colan tells leaders how to recognize, create and utilize these moments effectively to bring out the […]