The art of Influence – A must for ALL Business Leaders

Conversion optimization is really about influence! You are influencing people to convert! And influence is really about psychology. You are understanding how the mind works. And there’s nobody better to teach us about influence and psychology than Robert Cialdini. Prepare […]

Principle-Centered Leadership

When things go wrong – whether in your personal or professional life-chances are you resort to quick-fix plans, strategies and techniques for altering and improving your environment. Often, the problem is caused by a misalignment of your actions and decisions […]

Lessons from the Masters

Toyota first caught the world’s attention in the 1980s when consumers started noticing that Toyota cars lasted longer and required fewer repairs than American cars. Today, the company is the world’s most profitable car manufacturer, consistently producing high-quality cars using […]

Be the Leader

Based on Paul Thornton’s Three C Leadership Model: Challenge, Confidence, and Coaching, this book guides potential business leaders on how to tap into their leadership roles and realize their visions. Challenge the status quo. Build confidence in others. Coach people […]

Working Christmas to New Year? 

It’s no fun when you’re alone in the office and every email you send gets an autoresponder, reminding you that you’re the only one who’s not on holidays. But there are benefits to working when everyone else isn’t. You can […]

How to Execute Successful Projects

High-performing organizations implement proven PMI management practices. As a result, their original project goals and business intent is reached on 89% of projects versus 34 percent for those who don’t. They also waste 13 times less money. -PMI Pulse of […]

Smashing out a great presentation – Project Update

If you’re leading an important project, chances are you’ll need to communicate with senior executives. Whether it’s a presentation to a group or one-on-one, how do you get executives to listen to you?  Here are a few reminders … Know […]

Succession planning

You have an ambitious team member who is working toward a promotion. They’re great at their job, but are they cut out to lead others? Measure their potential by gauging their interest in managing. Ask them what they believe management […]