Draw your business model!

Growing companies face a predictable problem: Over time, the business becomes too complex for its own good.  To untangle this complexity, forget over-engineered PowerPoint presentations or lengthy reports. Turn to pen and paper, and draw a picture of your business […]

Make every meeting mean Gil with followup

It’s easy to think that your work is done when you walk out of a meeting. But the decisions made in the room will only be effective if you carefully follow up. Start by writing a succinct summary note, describing […]

Manage up!!!

When you’re managing managers, your job is twofold: You need to make sure they’re producing good work (as with any employee) and that they’re effectively supporting their teams.  People learn how to lead from their bosses, so set a good […]

PMBOK – 5 Project phases

There are different schools of thought about the number of phases during a project. Some claim there are 3 phases, others say it’s 5. At the base of it, the PMBOK points-out that the number of phases is determined by […]

2017- Time to BOOST your teams performance…..

How well did your team perform this past year?What are your team’s goals for the coming year? How did you contribute to your team’s performance? These are a few of the questions being asked at year’s end as organizations assess […]

A great first impression

Whether you’re interviewing for a job or making a sales call with a new client, first impressions matter. Your relationships and interactions will be a lot easier if you start off strong. Here’s how to do it: Do your homework. […]


Here’s some good news: You don’t need to get rid of stress to live a happy, fulfilling life. But you do need to separate yourself from your stress. This doesn’t mean you pretend is the stress isn’t there. It means […]

Delicate easier

All managers know they’re supposed to delegate, but too many of them are still doing too much themselves. What’s an overburdened manager supposed to do? First, pay attention. If you’re swamped, and especially if you find yourself having to say […]

Promoters and detractors

Most companies ask customers for feedback about their products and services. But only a handful ask their employees the same questions. This is a missed opportunity. A lot of insight can be gained from connecting your customer feedback to your […]

Icecream and Cabbage

We all know there can be no innovation without risk. Encouraging risk taking and accepting failure can help boost innovation. But that doesn’t mean you should have a blanket endorsement for all failure. In many cases, failure is bad. Sometimes […]